Most farms have detached garages or other private structures that are designed solely for your personal use. Did you know that State Auto's Farm and Ranch Policy automatically provides 10 % of the dwelling limit for these structures that are located near your house?

  • Typically includes private garages, utility buildings, boat slips and docks in same location as your house.
  • Other structures covered include gazebos, tennis courts, children's play houses, structures for hot tubs, in-ground outdoor swimming pools and above-ground swimming pools and pool houses and outdoor kitchens.
  • Coverage includes permanently attached equipment on these structures
  • What's NOT included are structures used for farming, commercial use or as living quarters; other coverages can apply.
  • If 10 % isn't enough, you can always increase the limit for an additional premium.
  • Take into account all private structures so you're adequately covered.


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